2021-10-06 14:32:00

Changemakers Youth Forum

The Changemakers Youth Forum takes place on Saturday the 16th of October. It promises inspiring keynotes, engaging workshops, a career fair and exhibition area, lots of networking opportunities, and so much more!

Credit: GiLE Foundation
On the 1st of September 2021, a significant milestone was achieved when seven organisations signed a Framework Cooperation Agreement to officially formalise their collective commitment to create the Changemakers Youth Forum #CYF

This event is indeed an unmissable opportunity! It takes place on Saturday the 16th of October, and it promises inspiring keynotes, engaging workshops, a career fair and exhibition area, lots of networking opportunities, and so much more!

Register for free today, and join hundreds of students and young professionals:



☑️ 15+ free sessions will take place on the day

☑️ 300+ students and young professionals are expected

☑️ Free skills development opportunities will be available (workshops)

☑️ Appreciate plenty of networking opportunities with young leaders and changemakers

☑️ Participate in intellectual discussions to shape your future

☑️ Gain more knowledge to future-proof your career

☑️ Attend the optional CYF After Party!

The Changemakers Youth Forum #CYF is a youth-led, international platform that actively promotes skills development, youth engagement, youth participation, and youth leadership. This event is organised by the GiLE Foundation, Pact4Youth Hungary, V4SDG, ESN Hungary, International Diplomatic Student Association, AIESEC in Hungary, and Simonyi Károly Szakkollégium

For more details, visit their website: https://cyf.hu/ 

                                                  Credit: GiLE Foundation



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Changemakers Youth Forum

Changemakers Youth Forum


The Changemakers Youth Forum takes place on Saturday the 16th of October. It promises inspiring keynotes, engaging workshops, a career fair and exhibition area, lots of networking opportunities, and so much more!